Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cat discipline

 Owning a cat or a dog is a big responsibility. In addition, it requires much patience. They can be destructive and evil against your fixtures and equipment.

There are a few items that you need to respect more the fact that they are the common goals of your cat. There are some remedies you can try.

Flora Alarm

While there are plants that are poisonous to your cats, your cats are themselves a threat to what your plants at home. How to buy to protect your plants mesh plastic craft shops. This mesh will be installed for the installation. This way, you can not disturb your cat the ground that your plant is placed in

In addition, you can protect your plants leaves, stems, flowers or sprays, for example, Bitter Apple. You can spray on your pet for such review. Make sure only those who are disgusting for your cats, but are not dangerous to their health.

Cord Care

Another hobby that cats play with electrical cords at home. Bitter Apple is also a good solution to this problem. But for a lasting solution, you can try to connect your son in electric fields. And if possible, set the strings in the heights that can not reach your cat is. In addition, it is safer if you have small children at home.

Curtain Trouble

Play with the curtains is fun for cats. They swing move, and to avenge himself. Well, may be what your cat thinks that curtains can move in a way that a threat to your cats. Another reason why they like curtains, because they climb on him.

Their solution is to use curtains that are a little too short. Use the one that just enough cover to windows. Or you can just make sure they are tight and do not touch the ground, it is easy to reach for cats.

When the curtain is always an attraction for your cat, you can use vertical blinds instead.

The State of Garbage

Cats are not interested in cat food only, but in food. This way they can rummage through your garbage cans and trash cans inside and outside the home. It allows your cat too dirty for pets. Not to mention that your home into a rubbish dump.

Make sure garbage cans that can be covered tightly. If your cat is not able to open it, it will be a real problem.

Table and Counter Attack

Also, your largest furniture is not safe with cats around. You can scratch posts and who is not a very pretty sight to be.

You can ask Apple if it not only damage the hardware your table and counters are made of. The only thing you need to do is not to train them to do something. Every time you scratch, you can pick them up and prevent them from doing so.

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